I recently heard actress Jessica McCabe, YouTube sensation, speak in St. Louis. Host of the YouTube channel, How to ADHD, Jessica’s weekly program teaches children and adults tips and techniques for managing ADHD in a funny, fast-paced, ADHD-friendly way!
Diagnosed with ADHD as a child, Jessica grew up with excellent supports her mother put in place. As a young adult, the budding actress began to flounder, unable to keep a job or manage many of the responsibilities of adult life. She couldn’t seem to remember her lines. Plus, her agent told her she was too big and needed to lose 10 pounds.
When Jessica crossed paths with a life coach, a defining moment happened. When she relayed her agent had told her “you need to be smaller,” the coach simply said to her: “You need to be bigger.”
With tears running down her face, Jessica said, “when you create space for yourself, you create space for others.” And that’s exactly what Jessica did in launching her YouTube career. In making herself vulnerable, she forged a connection with countless others in the ADHD community who suffer, bringing hope. You can hear Jessica’s story in a TED talk, “Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story.”
Here are a few questions for you (and me) to ponder as we start the new year:
Where are you “living small”?
In what area of your life might you live larger?
What would “living larger” look like?
What risk are you willing to take?
Who or what can support you as you step forward?
For whom can you create space?
Most of us are playing it safe in some part of our lives. Maybe there’s one thing that you have always wanted to try. It might be bravely stepping forward to get an ADHD diagnosis. Or creating boundaries with family members who don’t believe that ADHD is real. It might look like doing that one thing you are afraid to do. Every step forward strengthens your game, making the next challenge easier. Our own vulnerability can connect us with others. Join me in making this new year our largest yet!
Need support in living larger or creating space for YOU? Contact me today for a free consultation.