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Writer's pictureCheryl Gigler

Reflection: The Pause that Jumpstarts Your Year with Intention

A woman and her reflection. Both faces have their eyes closed and are envisioning a trophy, symbolizing their goals.

As we come to the end of the year, what if we actually took the time to pause and reflect?  Pausing is something that those of us with hyperactivity and impulsivity find hard to do!

Suppose we were to take a few minutes to focus on what went well? We may have gone through difficulties but good came out of it. It could be that you persevered and are stronger, with more compassion for others in the same position.

A Positive Mindset Pulls Us Forward

Focusing on the positive and all that went well helps to create a positive mindset. Positivity supports us in moving forward. We can create goals or intentions with greater confidence as we move into the new year.

What Personal or Character Strengths Led to Positive Outcomes? What Actions did you take?

  • You may have partnered with another person to accomplish a goal. Asking for help was a risk, but it made all the difference!

  • You may have stepped forward to get an ADHD diagnosis, even when those around you were skeptical. You were brave!

  • You may have lost a job, re-evaluated and took a new position that fully utilized your strengths. You navigated the transition, carefully considering your options and you emerged stronger.

  • You may be a parent who advocated for your child in an IEP meeting when it became clear others were not in your court. You were prepared and knew your rights.

You may not know your personal strengths, especially if they have been overshadowed by ADHD challenges. If this is the case, consider taking an online strength based assessment! Many are free, here are just a few:

What Have You Learned About Your ADHD This Past Year?

You may have reached out to an ADHD professional for help and found that there was a good reason for the struggles you have had over the years.

An ADHD coach may have supported you in finding tools and strategies that made a difference. You know where your ADHD shows up and exactly what to do about it. You feel more in control and are feeling better about yourself! With ADHD treatment and management dialed in, you have more time and energy for other things!

Reflect on the positives this holiday season and see for yourself the difference it makes. Be intentional as you jumpstart the new year!

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